What is Blue Comedy: Definition, Examples, TV Shows And More

Have you ever wondered what fun it is to add a touch of mischief to the stand-up scene? Blue comedy is for you – humour that walks the line of what is considered decent, taking on subjects that are bold, often risqué and undeniably funny.

It’s the art of delivering punchlines that would put your grandma to shame.

In this quick guide, Rachel Parris explains what blue comedy is, and why it tickles the funny bone of adults around the world.

What is blue comedy: about dirty jokes and off-color comedy

What is blue comedy: about dirty jokes and off-color comedy

If you’ve ever sat in a comedy club and heard jokes that were a little more colorful than your average sitcom jokes, you’ve probably had a taste of blue comedy.

This genre is not for the faint of heart – this is comedy that boldly puts forth all that is politically incorrect and isn’t afraid to be a little risqué, or a lot risqué.

Blue comedy or smut is a playground of humour for adults that includes swear words, sexual innuendos and toilet humour, which you are advised to stay away from at the dinner table.

Now, don’t confuse blue comedy with any offensive joke. No, this genre is a craft. It’s about timing, presentation, and, believe it or not, some very sophisticated psychology.

Comedians who master this art know exactly how to walk the fine line between shocking humor and not-at-all-shocking humor.

Why is it called blue comedy?

So, why the color blue? It’s not because these comedians are unhappy. The word blue has been floating around the entertainment world for decades, often whispered in the back rooms of smoke-filled nightclubs where performers push their limits.

Some say it originates from Blue Laws, which in the past regulated moral conduct, including what performers could say on stage.

If your work was considered too blue, it was beyond the socially acceptable limits. In a way, to be blue was to be wicked with your humor.

Examples of Blue Comedy

Examples of Blue Comedy

For a true taste of blue comedy, think of comedians like George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and more recently, Amy Schumer. These are people who present their observations without any restraint.

They talk about everything from sex to politics, all with a wink and a nod, knowing full well they’re offering the comic equivalent of a pickled jalapeño.

Remember George Carlin’s famous seven words you can never say on television? That bit was the hallmark of blue comedy, not just for its shock value but also for its commentary on censorship and freedom of speech. It was scathing, it was in your face, and yes, it was hilariously blue.

And let’s not forget people like Mae West and Lenny Bruce, pioneers of blue comedy who proved the genre wasn’t just for men.

Mae West in particular said things that could make you lose your senses two shades of red, all while maintaining her glamorous restraint.

TV shows and stand-up that use blue comedy

Blue comedy on TV screen

When it comes to TV, blue comedy has to be a little demure, especially in the early years. You had shows like married with Children Or Sanford & SonWhich wasn’t explicitly blue, but definitely dipped its toes in the water with intuitive and shameless characters.

Go a little further, and you’ll find shows like this South Park and Family GuyAnimations that may seem child-friendly but are full of blue humor tackle everything from politics to personal idiosyncrasies with a boldness only found in cartoons.

Then, there’s the popular movie The Office (the American version), in which Steve Carell’s Michael Scott delivers embarrassing but hilarious dialogue that often strays into the blue zone.

The show’s strength lies in its ability to be inclusive with its humour, ensuring that the blue comedy is useful for the story and character development, and not just for the sake of shock.

Another blue comedy film I want to tell you about is Airplane Mode (2019) written byDavid Dinetz, Dylan Trussell, Logan Paul and Jake Paul. This piece of comedy is worth watching for anyone wanting to know what Blue Value is in a comedy film.

Blue humor on the stand-up stage

On the stand-up stage, blue comedy takes place in its natural habitat. Stand-up gives comedians a chance to interact directly with their audience, read the room, and move as the crowd allows.

Comedians like Eddie Murphy in his iconic Raw performance or Dave Chappelle in his many Netflix specials showcase the quintessential blue comedy style.

They present thought-provoking and hilarious shows that touch on taboo subjects, often leaving audiences with a mix of surprise, reflection and, of course, laughter.

Frequently asked questions about Blue Comedy

Frequently asked questions about Blue Comedy

Is blue comedy offensive?

That may be so. Blue comedy often crosses the boundaries of conventional decency, which may offend some viewers. This is subjective and varies greatly depending on personal preference and tolerance for risqué humor.

Can blue comedy be watched on mainstream TV?

Yes, blue comedy has made its way into mainstream television, especially with the advent of cable TV and streaming services, which have more liberal content restrictions than traditional network television.

How is blue comedy different from other comedy genres?

Unlike other comedy styles that avoid sensitive topics or use innuendos, blue comedy is direct, frank, and unfiltered in its approach to controversial topics.

Are there any famous blue comedians?

Absolutely. Notable blue comedians include Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Lenny Bruce, Sarah Silverman, and Amy Schumer, among others.

Is blue comedy just about shock value?

Although shock value may be an element, the best blue comedies often also include social commentary and scathing observations about human nature and society.

Can blue comedy be smart?

Definitely. Many blue comedians are quite intelligent and, despite the explicit nature of their material, use their platform to challenge social norms and provoke thought.


In the comedy landscape, blue comedy stands out for its bold and edgy subject matter that pushes the boundaries and delivers heart-rending laughter with its unfiltered take on the non-PG aspects of life.

Remember, while blue comedy may not appeal to everyone, it certainly attracts the adventurous every now and again.

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