Understanding Organizational Politics: Types, Causes, and Impact

In the business world, “organizational politics” involves power struggles and power-hungry individuals. This article explores the types, causes, and effects of organizational politics and provides tips for managing this behavior.

What is organizational politics?

Power and politics in organizations are intertwined, yet they are not always interchangeable. Organizational politics comes in many forms, including covert tactics or propaganda aimed at gaining power or influence.

Sometimes, you might hear it referred to as workplace politics or office politics. Power struggles arise when resources are scarce and individuals or groups disagree about the allocation of these resources.

Conflict of interests due to different mindsets in organizations can lead to loss of position or organizational closure. Politics is inevitable in all organizations, whether big or small, as billions of people have different viewpoints.

However, political behavior usually occurs at the highest levels of management. Individuals engage in political behavior that benefits their self-interests and undermines the goals of the organization.

Being aware of organizational politics can help minimize its impact. It is important to know the different strategies. Political behavior can be negative or positive.

These tactics include volunteering for high-profile tasks, publicly praising superiors, and promoting yourself in the company newsletter. In such cases, organization politics is a legitimate way to gain power, money, and fame.

Different Types of Organisational Politics

Personal influence and informal networks are important in organisational politics. Employees are strongly attached to their roles, such as general secretary or vice president, leading to feelings of loyalty or alienation. This affects the organisation’s reputation.

The remaining six types are all forms of conflict. You should avoid them as much as possible. Recognizing these types is important to your career success. The six main types are listed below:

  • Bossism
  • Self promotion
  • factionalism
  • office politics
  • Regionalism
  • Gatekeeping

due to organisational politics


When people get caught up in workplace politics, they find it difficult to focus on their work. They are more interested in defaming or tarnishing the image of other people than getting their work done.

Employees involved in politics are unable to concentrate on work, which results in decreased productivity and mistakes such as wrong decisions and delays.

Understanding the reasons is important for organizational goals. Issues can have a negative impact on employees and organizations. We will examine employee outcomes and the role of social capital in higher education.

One of the main reasons for this is power struggle. As a person moves up the ranks, the opportunities for quick growth diminish. As a result, ambitious employees start spreading rumors about their co-workers and tarnish their reputation.

Most business houses have rewards systems to address the issue of organization politics, which can hamper employee focus and engagement. Employees involved in such behavior tend to focus more on harming others rather than on their work.

To improve productivity and well-being, educate employees on how to avoid organizational politics to increase their engagement and impact profits.

Negative aspects of the procedure

While there are many benefits of an open, honest company, the drawbacks of organizational political behavior can be just as damaging. High employee turnover and lack of motivation are just a few of the negative effects of such an environment.

In addition, miscommunication and manipulation are often pervasive. In the worst cases, employees become dissatisfied with their work and resent their co-workers and managers. As a result, it can be difficult to increase employee morale and productivity.

Unlike personal politics, organizational politics is the result of conflict within a company. It often involves balancing different ideas. Ultimately, dysfunctional politics result in the failure of the organization.

Still, some companies will survive, even if it means using political maneuvering to achieve personal goals. For this reason, those in power must be aware of the impact of their actions.

One way to avoid these problems is to be an active supervisor and play an active role in preventing and minimizing them. Workplaces have certain norms that employees follow, and the best way to avoid them is to follow the unwritten rules.

To avoid pitfalls, invest time in building relationships. Organizational politics is inevitable, so be careful when managing. Focus on technical aspects and build positive relationships with coworkers to minimize negative impacts.

Effects of Organizational Politics on the Workplace

Organizational politics can have a negative impact on employees. Many people feel that their position is at stake when they engage in such behavior. Those who are victims of such behavior feel jealous of their coworkers who follow the correct procedures.

In addition, employees who feel that their performance is not valued are less committed than their co-workers and have poorer performance. In addition, they experience more job anxiety and depressed mood than others.

Although the relationship between organizational politics and employee outcomes is not direct, it may be mediated by social capital. Job stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions are important outcomes of employee perceptions.

The study also found that higher-order modelling was more accurate. The model was constructed using the target coefficient 2 and the related coefficients, allowing higher-order modelling. It was cross-validated using data from another sample, demonstrating its generalisation ability.

Another effect of workplace politics is that some employees may take shortcuts to reach the top. This unhappiness may also cause them to not attend meetings. Moreover, such behavior prevents discussion of important issues.

Poor discussion of issues leads to wrong decisions and poor performance, which ultimately harms the company’s performance. Thus, employees may harm their co-workers to make themselves appear better than others.

How to manage organisational politics?

If you are a manager, you may be wondering how to deal with organization politics. The good news is that these issues are generally unavoidable. To deal with the negative effects, managers must learn to manage the process.

To avoid the negative effects of such behaviour in the workplace, you must be proactive in your approach. The best way to manage this is to focus on the technical aspects of your role while developing positive working relationships with your colleagues.

Developing these relationships will allow you to build trust and respect while minimizing negative effects. Another way to manage organizational politics is to listen carefully to colleagues, especially those with whom you disagree.

One of the best ways to prevent politics at work is to understand the dynamics of power. Many employees view the existence of political competition at their workplace as a threat. In this case, they often engage in behavior that is typical of government organizations.

Although workplace politics can be a problem in any workplace, it can be avoided by maintaining office etiquette and job satisfaction. Apart from this, it is also important to prevent political vassalage.

This concept is a relatively new topic in HRM. Due to its endemic nature, many scholars have been motivated to research it and develop recommendations on how to deal with it.

Once you identify the causes of this type of behavior, you can implement a strategy that can manage it effectively. The aim of this approach is to find a win-win solution for everyone involved and ensure the success of the change initiative.


Organizations use politics to achieve goals using various methods. This strategy balances different opinions in the workplace and increases productivity. Boost Twitch followers through purchase.

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