Nhôm nitrat Al(NO₃)₃: Tính chất, ứng dụng và hướng dẫn an toàn

Nhôm nitrat Al(NO₃)₃: Tính chất, ứng dụng và hướng dẫn an toàn

Aluminum nitrate, also known by its IUPAC name aluminum III nitrate, is the chemical compound Al(NO₃)₃. This is an important inorganic compound, not only in chemical theory but also in many practical applications of life. This compound exists as white crystals, is easily soluble in water, and is often found in its hydrated form, especially as Al(NO₃)₃·9H₂O. This article will provide insight into the chemical formula and structure of aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃, physical and chemical properties, practical applications, comparisons with other compounds, as well as safety measures when handling aluminum nitrate.

Formula and structure of aluminum nitrate

Chemical formula

Aluminum nitrate has the chemical formula Al(NO₃)₃.

    Al: Chemical symbol for the element aluminum.

    NO₃: Nitrate group, has a negative charge of 1-.

In this formula, aluminum (Al) has valence III and combines with 3 nitrate groups (NO₃) to form an electrically neutral molecule.

Molecular structure

    Crystal structure: Al(NO₃)₃ usually exists in a hydrated crystalline form, which means the water molecules are incorporated into the crystal structure. The formula of the most common hydrated crystal form is Al(NO₃)₃.9H₂O.

    Chemical Bond:

      Ionic bond: Between aluminum ion (Al³⁺) and nitrate ion (NO₃⁻).

      Covalent bond: In the nitrate group (NO₃⁻), nitrogen is bonded to 3 oxygen atoms by covalent bond.

      Hydrogen Bonding: In hydrated crystals, water molecules are bonded to each other and to ions in the crystal by hydrogen bonds.

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Physical properties of Al(NO₃)₃

Aluminum nitrate is a compound with many interesting physical properties that highlight its applications in industry and science. Some main properties of Al(NO₃)₃ are summarized and presented below:

Nhôm nitrat Al(NO₃)₃: Tính chất, ứng dụng và hướng dẫn an toàn

Physical properties of Al(NO₃)₃

Status and appearance:

    Status: Usually exists in crystal form.

    Color: Colorless or white crystals.

    Shape: Crystals have a polyhedral shape, usually hydrated crystals.


    In water: Soluble very well in cold water, forming a colorless solution. Solubility increases as temperature increases.

    In organic solvents: Slightly soluble or insoluble in common organic solvents.


    Strong hygroscopicity: Al(NO₃)₃ has a very strong ability to absorb moisture from the air, easily forming hydrated crystals. This property makes it susceptible to clumping when exposed to moist air.

Specific Volume:

    The density of Al(NO₃)₃ depends on the crystal form (hydrated or anhydrous) and temperature. However, in general, its specific volume is quite large.

Melting and Boiling Points:

    Melting point: Aluminum nitrate decomposes when heated to high temperatures before reaching the correct melting point.

    Boiling point: There is no defined boiling point due to its decomposition properties when heated.


    Stable under normal conditions: At room temperature and normal pressure, aluminum nitrate is quite stable.

    Decomposition on heating: When heated to high temperatures, Al(NO₃)₃ decomposes into aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) and oxygen (O₂).

Effect of temperature:

    Solubility increases: The solubility of aluminum nitrate in water increases as the temperature increases.

    Decomposition: When heated, aluminum nitrate decomposes.

Chemical properties of aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

The chemical properties of Al(NO₃)₃ are very rich and diverse, allowing it to participate in many different chemical reactions. Here are some key characteristics:

Chemical properties of aluminum nitrate

Chemical properties of aluminum nitrate

1. Hydrolysis reaction:

2. Reaction with base:

3. Reaction with salt:

4. Pyrolysis reaction:

    When heated to high temperatures, aluminum nitrate decomposes into aluminum oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen: 4Al(NO₃)₃ → 2Al₂O₃ + 12NO₂↑ + 3O₂↑

5. Effects on metals that are more active than aluminum:

    Aluminum nitrate can be reduced by metals that are more active than aluminum such as Mg, Zn, Fe… For example: 2Al(NO₃)₃ + 3Mg → 2Al + 3Mg(NO₃)₂

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6. Oxidation – reduction properties:

    Nitrate ion (NO₃⁻) in aluminum nitrate has weak oxidizing properties. Under some conditions, it can be reduced to various reduction products such as NO, N₂O, N₂ depending on the reaction conditions.

Application of aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

Aluminum nitrate not only plays an important role in chemical theory but also has many useful applications in practice. Here are some areas where aluminum nitrate is used:

Application of aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

Application of aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

    In the chemical industry: Al(NO₃)₃ is used in the production of insulating paper, helping to improve product performance and durability. It is also used in uranium extraction and in the production of anti-scratch drugs.

    In leather tanning: This compound plays an important role in the tanning process, improving leather quality and increasing durability and softness.

    Corrosion inhibitor: Aluminum nitrate is often used as a corrosion inhibitor in industrial processes, protecting metal surfaces from oxidation.

    Laboratory applications: It is also used in chemical experiments as an agent in the preparation of other compounds or physicochemical research.

    Agriculture: Many experiments have shown that aluminum nitrate can be used in fertilizers, helping to improve water and nutrient uptake by plants.

With such diverse applications, aluminum nitrate has become an indispensable compound in many fields, from industry to agriculture and scientific research.

Compare aluminum nitrate with other compounds

Comparing Al(NO₃)₃ with other compounds helps users better visualize its characteristics and applications in practice. Al(NO₃)₃ has many differences from other aluminum compounds such as aluminum chloride and aluminum sulfate.

In the next section, we will look in detail at the comparison between aluminum nitrate and aluminum chloride.

Aluminum nitrate versus aluminum chloride

Aluminum nitrate (Al(NO₃)₃) and aluminum chloride (AlCl₃) are two important inorganic compounds of aluminum with many different characteristics. Each compound has unique applications and properties. Below is a table summarizing the comparison between aluminum nitrate and aluminum chloride:



Aluminum chloride (AlCl₃)

Chemical formula



Physical properties

Hygroscopic white crystals

Also white but may be contaminated with yellow pigment


Easily soluble in water under high temperature conditions

May create acidity in solution

Chemical properties

Is a strong oxidizer

Participate in many chemical reactions


Production of aluminum oxide and fertilizer

Aluminum metal production, chemical applications

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Aluminum nitrate versus aluminum sulfate

When comparing aluminum nitrate with aluminum sulfate (Al₂(SO₄)₃), we also find important similarities and differences. Below is a summary table:


Aluminum nitrate (Al(NO₃)₃)

Aluminum sulfate (Al₂(SO₄)₃)

Chemical formula




Strong oxidizer

High coagulant


Production of anti-scratch and tanning drugs

Water treatment and paper production

Safety instructions when handling aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

Handling Al(NO₃)₃ requires workers to comply with safety measures to ensure health and environmental safety. Here are important instructions when working with aluminum nitrate:

Safety instructions when handling aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

Safety instructions when handling aluminum nitrate

Contact precautions

To ensure safety during exposure and handling of Al(NO₃)₃, workers need to comply with the following precautions:

    Personal protection: Use full personal protective equipment such as glasses and gloves, as well as a protective coat.

    Storage safety: As stated previously, be sure to store aluminum nitrate in safe conditions, away from heat and sources of ignition.

    Safe Work Procedures: Limit the amount of aluminum nitrate used at one time, maintain good ventilation.

    Waste treatment: Waste must be collected and treated according to regulations.

How to handle problems related to aluminum nitrate

    How to respond to direct contact: If aluminum nitrate gets on your skin, immediately wash the contact area with soap and water for at least 15 minutes.

    Handling spills: If a spill occurs, isolate the area and warn people around. Suction or collection methods should be used for disposal.

    Danger alarm system: Need to make an emergency response plan to handle situations that may occur.

The above measures can help ensure safety for workers and the environment during exposure to aluminum nitrate.

Frequently asked questions regarding aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃

    Is Al(NO₃)₃ toxic?

    Where is aluminum nitrate used?

    What are the properties of Al(NO₃)₃?

    Where can aluminum nitrate be stored?

    Does Al(NO₃)₃affect health?

    With prolonged or improper exposure, Al(NO₃)₃ can cause health problems, so safety measures should be followed.

In what environment can aluminum nitrate be processed?

Aluminum nitrate Al(NO₃)₃ is an inorganic compound that has proven its important position in many scientific and industrial applications. With its diverse chemical properties and good solubility, Al(NO₃)₃can act as a catalyst or participate in many different chemical reactions, from chemical production to agriculture. However, the use and handling of aluminum nitrate requires caution and compliance with strict safety regulations. From learning about Al(NO₃)₃ to its diverse applications, this article by dongachem.vn has provided an overview of an indispensable compound in modern industry.


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