Mary Tyler Moore Husband: Explore All About Robert Levine

Dr. Robert Levin, the husband of the late Mary Tyler Moore, recently shared fond memories of his life. The legendary comedian passed away in 2017 after being married to Dr. Levin for more than 30 years. Moore revolutionized the role of the modern American woman through her groundbreaking performances on “The Dick Van Dyke Show” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.”

a chance meeting

Moore and Levin met by chance in 1983. Moore’s mother, Marjorie Hackett Moore, was ill and needed a doctor. Dr. Levin was the doctor on call. He recalled how their first meeting became something special. “When I was about to leave, I said, ‘Mary, if you have any concerns or any more questions, just call me.’ She replied, ‘Is intense loneliness reason enough to call?’” Levin shared.

A few days later, Moore called him at 3 a.m., a moment that surprised Dr. Levin. He had no idea how famous she was. Their relationship blossomed from that night. Dr. Levin knew from the start that theirs was a unique connection. Their first date felt natural and easy, because he saw her not as a star but simply as Mary.

A true relationship

Dr. Levin admitted that he had not watched many episodes of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” because he was busy with college and medical school. He did not have the “fan-star” relationship with Moore that made their relationship special. Moore had been married twice before, but he always said that Dr. Levin was his first true love. He felt privileged and lucky to have her as his partner.

Dr. Levin described Moore as a woman with a huge heart and great grace. She was extraordinarily generous and kind. These qualities made her special not only as a star but also as a person.

a new documentary

Moore fans can now learn more about her private life in a new documentary, “Being Mary Tyler Moore.” Dr. Levin, who served as executive producer, suggested the title to reflect Moore’s authenticity. The documentary includes never-before-seen photos and archival footage from Moore’s own collection. It aims to show the real woman behind her public smile.

Moore’s life was not without challenges. At age 30 she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and suffered a number of health problems. She struggled with alcohol addiction and lost her only son, Richie Meeker, at age 24. Despite these challenges, Moore remained strong and resilient. Dr. Levine admired her courage and wanted to remind people of her importance and impact.

Continuing his legacy

Dr. Levin is committed to carrying on Moore’s legacy. He works with the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative to find a cure for complications from diabetes. Moore’s battle with diabetes and her determination to fight the disease inspired the initiative.

Dr. Levin emphasized Moore’s perseverance in the face of physical and emotional challenges. She never backed down from her fight. He hopes people are inspired by her life to stand up for their beliefs and face challenges with a smile.

A lasting impact

Mary Tyler Moore’s legacy lives on through her groundbreaking work in television and her inspiring personal journey. Dr. Levin continues to honor her memory by sharing her story and working toward finding a cure for diabetes. The new documentary, “Being Mary Tyler Moore,” gives fans a closer look at the woman who touched the lives of so many.

Moore’s life was a testament to strength, grace and authenticity. Her impact on television and her personal resilience continue to inspire many today. Dr. Levin’s reflections on her life provide a touching tribute to a remarkable woman.

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