Hunter Biden Gun Case: Explore Everything We Know So Far

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has become the first child of a sitting president to face criminal charges in court. Prosecutors claim Hunter Biden, 54, lied about his drug use on a form when he purchased a gun in 2018. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. Opening statements will begin on Tuesday after 12 jurors and four alternates were sworn in on Monday. If convicted, Biden could face up to 25 years in prison.

Allegations against Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden faces three federal charges. These include two counts of making false statements and one count of illegal possession of a gun. The charges relate to his purchase of a revolver in October 2018. Biden admitted he was heavily addicted to crack cocaine at the time. Prosecutors allege he lied about his drug use on federal forms when purchasing the weapon. He claimed he was not an illegal user of drugs. The third charge is of possessing a gun while being a drug user. The gun was thrown away and later found at a grocery store, sparking an investigation.

Evidence and witnesses

To convict Hunter Biden, prosecutors must prove he intentionally lied on the form. They also must show he used drugs and still owned a gun. U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika ruled that defense attorneys cannot argue that prosecutors must prove Biden was using drugs the day he bought the gun. Instead, they must show he engaged in illegal drug use around that time.

Prosecutors plan to use personal text messages and other communications. In one text, Biden calls himself a “liar and a thief and a convict and a user.” They will also rely on testimony from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and former partner Hallie Biden. Hunter Biden’s 2021 memoir, in which he talks about his addiction, will also be used.

defense strategy

Hunter Biden’s defense will focus on his awareness of his addiction at the time of the purchase and the quality of the evidence. His lawyer, Abbe Lowell, tried to call an expert witness to talk about an addict’s understanding of substance abuse, but was rebuffed. Legal experts believe that charges of illegal gun possession are usually straightforward cases. Drew Stevenson, a professor at South Texas College of Law, said he expects a conviction.

The Infamous Laptop Evidence

A key piece of evidence is information from Hunter Biden’s laptop. The laptop has been the subject of media speculation and conservative news outlets. Some theories link Biden to corruption, which he denies. Biden’s lawyers argue that the laptop was tampered with before investigators got it. Special counsel David Weiss calls this claim a “conspiracy theory” without evidence. Prosecutors say the laptop contains crucial evidence of Biden’s culpability.

Possible sentences

If convicted, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison. The two false statement charges could each carry a sentence of up to 10 years, and the gun possession charge could carry a sentence of up to five years. Actual sentences for federal crimes are often less than the maximum. The judge will decide the sentence after considering sentencing guidelines and other factors.

additional charges

In addition to the gun charges, Hunter Biden also faces separate federal charges in California. These include tax evasion, failing to file and pay taxes, and filing a fraudulent tax return. Last year, a plea deal that would have addressed both types of charges fell through. Biden pleaded not guilty to the tax charges.

Statement by President Biden

President Biden has not commented on the case, but has expressed his love and faith in his son. He said Hunter’s perseverance and recovery are inspiring. The lawsuit could be a key point of contention as the president campaigns for re-election.

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