Giải pháp xử lý bọt nhớt lâu tan trong ao tôm hiệu quả nhanh chóng

Giải pháp xử lý bọt nhớt lâu tan trong ao tôm hiệu quả nhanh chóng

Long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds is the phenomenon of a layer of highly viscous foam appearing on the water surface in shrimp ponds. This foam is white or yellow, difficult to dissolve and lasts for a period of time, not disappearing immediately. To better understand the harmful effects, measures to treat slime in shrimp ponds, or how to use safe and reasonable biological products, please follow this article with Dong A Chemical!

Cause of long-dissolving viscous foam in shrimp ponds

Long-lasting viscous foam is common in shrimp ponds, negatively affecting water quality, shrimp health and production efficiency in farming. Understanding the cause is the first step to taking effective treatment measures. Below are the main causes of slimy foam appearing in ponds:

Viscous foam appears due to the water environment

Factors such as dead algae, toxic production of H2S, CO2 or harmful microorganisms are one of the reasons why slime foam appears widely in shrimp ponds.

Dead algae:

  • Algae blooms: When the pond environment accumulates a lot of organic matter and has an imbalance in nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, toxic algae such as blue-green algae, dinoflagellates, and eye algae thrive and bloom suddenly. When algae die, the algae decompose to create many organic substances and proteins, increasing pond water viscosity, producing toxic substances and creating long-lasting gas bubbles.

Toxic gas H2SMeta et CO2:

  • H2S gas: Formed due to the decomposition of organic matter on the pond bottom, excess food, and dead algae in oxygen-deficient conditions. H2S gas is a toxic gas that is dangerous for shrimp, and can lead to the phenomenon of shrimp floating on their heads and causing mass death. When the concentration of H2S is high, the gas bubbles created by H2S will be black, have a foul smell and take a long time to dissolve.
  • Methane and CO2 gas: Also due to the process of decomposing organic matter, Methane and CO2 gas also contribute to creating long-lasting gas bubbles in shrimp ponds. However, their effects are often not as serious as H2S gas.

Filamentous microorganisms:

  • Overgrowth of filamentous microorganisms: In polluted pond environmental conditions, lacking oxygen, filamentous microorganisms such as Saprolegnia and Achlya can thrive, creating a slimy layer on the pond bottom and ponds. objects in the pond. This viscous layer can dissolve in water, forming long-lasting air bubbles.

Giải pháp xử lý bọt nhớt lâu tan trong ao tôm hiệu quả nhanh chóng

Dead algae and dead microorganisms lead to the appearance of slimy foam in shrimp ponds

Inappropriate pond management and shrimp care methods

Unscientific shrimp care methods such as feeding shrimp with excess food and using inappropriate pond water treatment drugs will also lead to slimy foam appearing.

Impact of drugs and water treatment chemicals:

  • Using certain drugs or water treatment chemicals: Some algaecides, disinfectants, coagulants… can cause air bubbles to dissolve for a long time in shrimp ponds. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate drug, use the correct dosage and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Suspended solids:

  • Excess food, shrimp feces, dead algae: When the amount of food provided to shrimp is too much and is not fully digested, it will settle to the bottom of the pond, decompose, creating harmful organic substances, toxic gases and bubbles. long lasting.

In addition, a number of other factors can also contribute to the formation of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds such as:

  • Poor pond water quality: Low alkalinity, low pH, high salinity,…
  • Shrimp ponds with high density and poor management.
  • Sudden changes in environmental or weather conditions.

Through the causes and sources of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds, shrimp farmers will easily see their effects and negative impacts on shrimp health and productivity.

Feeding shrimp too much excess food can easily create slimy foam that is difficult to dissolve in the pond

Feeding shrimp too much excess food can easily create slimy foam that is difficult to dissolve in the pond

Negative effects of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

When slimy foam appears in shrimp ponds, it will cause many negative effects on the pond environment, shrimp health and farming efficiency. Some specific effects of viscous foam in common shrimp ponds:

Impact on the environment of shrimp farming ponds:

  • Reduced dissolved oxygen in water: Long-lasting viscous foam sticks to the pond surface, blocking light, hindering the photosynthesis process of algae, leading to reduced dissolved oxygen in water. Oxygen is an important factor for shrimp respiration. Lack of oxygen can cause shrimp to suffocate, lose appetite, slow growth and become susceptible to disease.
  • Increased toxic gases in shrimp ponds: Long-lasting viscous foam caused by dead algae and decomposition of organic matter will create conditions for anaerobic bacteria to grow and produce toxic gases such as H2S and NH3. Toxic gases accumulated in the pond can cause poisoning in shrimp, leading to the phenomenon of shrimp floating on their heads and dying en masse.
  • Pollutes the shrimp farming environment: Long-lasting viscous foam contains many organic substances and harmful microorganisms. When it sticks to the pond edge, the tools in the pond will decompose, causing pollution to the pond environment.

Effects on shrimp health:

  • Reduced respiratory ability of shrimp: Due to lack of dissolved oxygen, shrimp will have difficulty breathing, leading to symptoms such as lethargic swimming, poor appetite, slow growth, and susceptibility to disease.
  • Causing poisoning to shrimp: Toxic gases H2S and NH3 accumulated in the pond can cause poisoning to shrimp, leading to symptoms such as floating head, lethargy, loss of appetite, fragile shell, and mass death.
  • Creates conditions for bacteria and pathogens to grow: Long-lasting viscous foam is a favorable environment for bacteria and pathogens to grow, causing intestinal, liver, gill, and shell diseases on shrimp.

Impact on the efficiency of shrimp farming:

  • Shrimp grow slowly, survival rate is low: Due to poor pond environment, shrimp will grow slowly, survival rate is low, affecting the productivity and profit of the farming crop.
  • Growing costs of farming: Due to the need to use additional measures to treat slime, toxic gases, disease prevention and treatment,… farming costs will increase.
  • Causes environmental pollution: Long-lasting viscous foam clinging to pond edges and pond tools after decomposition will pollute the pond environment and surrounding areas.

Long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds has caused many impacts on the pond environment. Shrimp health will determine the effectiveness of shrimp harvest productivity. Therefore, finding and applying measures to prevent and treat slime in shrimp ponds is very important.

Serious effects of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

Serious effects of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

Measures to prevent and treat long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

If we know the causes and harmful effects that slime foam causes in shrimp ponds, prevention and treatment become even more necessary. Some popular remedies give the following results immediately after application:

Measures to prevent the appearance of slimy foam in shrimp ponds

During the shrimp farming process, preventing the appearance of slimy foam always attracts the most attention from shrimp farmers. Here are a few suggestions for common and effective preventative measures that have been applied:

Good shrimp pond management:

  • Provide enough food: Monitor the amount of food consumed by shrimp to adjust the amount of food provided appropriately, avoiding excess. Excess food will decompose, creating organic matter, toxic gases and long-lasting viscous foam.
  • Periodically clean the pond: Periodically clean the pond bottom, remove excess food, shrimp feces, and dead algae to limit organic matter accumulation in the pond.
  • Use biological products: Use beneficial biological products such as pond bottom treatment microorganisms, EM,… to decompose organic matter, reduce toxic gases, and improve pond water quality.
  • Algae management: Monitor and control algae growth in ponds. Apply measures to limit algae blooms such as: using biological products, applying lime,…

Clean shrimp ponds regularly and properly to prevent the appearance of slimy foam

Clean shrimp ponds regularly and properly to prevent the appearance of slimy foam

Use chemicals properly:

  • Overuse of chemicals can cause environmental shock, leading to mass death of algae and creating long-lasting viscous foam. Therefore, it is necessary to use chemicals for water treatment, algae removal, and disinfection at the correct dosage, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Dong A currently provides chemicals used in water treatment for shrimp farming and aquaculture, ensuring quality that is trusted by farmers.
  • Prioritize the use of biological products instead of chemicals in the shrimp farming process.

In addition to the above measures to prevent slime from appearing in shrimp ponds, it is even more necessary and important to know more methods of handling and resolving slime foam completely.

Measures to treat long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

To handle slime foam quickly and effectively, the first thing is to determine the cause of the appearance of slime powder in shrimp ponds. So to determine the cause and apply appropriate measures, follow the following suggestions:

Determine the cause of the appearance of viscous foam:

  • Observe the color, taste, and location of slime foam to determine the main cause. For example, white, odorless foam is due to the presence of dead algae. Black foam with foul smell due to toxic H2S gas in the pond. Viscous foam on the pond bottom is caused by filamentous microorganisms.

Apply appropriate foam treatment measures:

Treatment of dead algae:

  • Use a net to remove dead algae from the water surface and pond banks. Or use specialized biological products to decompose algae and reduce organic matter. In addition, provide enough oxygen for shrimp to breathe by increasing water fanning.

Treatment of filamentous microorganisms:

  • Use beneficial microorganisms: Use beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus, EM,… to compete for nutrients and inhibit the growth of filamentous microorganisms.
  • Improve shrimp pond water quality: Adjust pH, alkalinity, and salinity appropriately to limit the growth of filamentous microorganisms in shrimp ponds.

Handling toxic gases H2S:

  • Increase water fanning: Aerate the bottom, run water fan to increase dissolved oxygen, push toxic gas H2S out of the pond.
  • Reduce food intake: Reduce food intake moderately for a few days to limit the decomposition of organic matter and reduce the production of toxic gas H2S.
  • Use products to absorb toxic gas H2S: Use products such as AQUA YUCCA, APAC NEW,… to absorb toxic gas H2S, NH3 in the pond. Be sure to use the correct dosage and method according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Effective treatment of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

Effective treatment of long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds

Some general notes during shrimp farming:

  • It is necessary to monitor and observe shrimp ponds regularly to detect early the phenomenon of long-lasting viscous foam and take timely treatment measures.
  • When using chemicals or biological products, the manufacturer’s instructions for use should be followed.
  • You should consult with technical staff or shrimp farming experts to have the most appropriate prevention and treatment measures for each specific case.

Through the above article, readers can see the importance of controlling slime foam in shrimp ponds. At the same time, the article also provides shrimp farmers with the harmful effects of slime foam, as well as quick and effective prevention and treatment measures to ensure quality and improve shrimp output. For more information about shrimp farming, especially to learn about choosing chemical products to use in treating long-lasting viscous foam in shrimp ponds, please follow the Dong A Chemical website!

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