Cyril Ramaphosa Takes Oath: South Africa’s President Ramaphosa Takes Oath, Joined by Wife Tshepo Motsepe

Cyril Ramaphosa, 71, was sworn in for his second term as South Africa’s president at the Union Buildings on Wednesday. The theme of the swearing-in ceremony was “30 years of democracy, partnership and development.”

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo administered the oath to Ramaphosa during the ceremony. As the Chief Justice raised Ramaphosa’s hand, he announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of South Africa.” The moment marked the start of Ramaphosa’s second term.

How did he get re-elected?

The South African parliament re-elected Ramaphosa after a historic coalition deal between the African National Congress (ANC) and opposition parties. The new government of national unity includes the ANC, the centre-right Democratic Alliance (DA) and smaller parties.

In his victory speech, Ramaphosa praised the new coalition. He said voters expected leaders to “work together and deliver for the good of everyone in our country.” The agreement was finalised during a dramatic National Assembly session that lasted late into the evening to ratify the new administration.

Who all were present at the inauguration ceremony?

Many international leaders attended the inauguration ceremony. Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Eswatini and Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa were among the prominent people present. Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa was also present.

Other attendees included Samia Hassan of the United Republic of Tanzania, Vice President Tiemoko Meliet Koné of Côte d’Ivoire and President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana. These dignitaries showed their support and witnessed the historic event.

What will Ramaphosa’s cabinet be like?

President Ramaphosa will soon announce his cabinet for South Africa’s 7th administration. It is not yet clear when this announcement will be made. The Democratic Alliance (DA), Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Patriotic Alliance (PA) and other smaller parties supporting Ramaphosa’s nomination are hopeful of appointments.

After his first electoral victory in 2019, Ramaphosa took about four days to announce his cabinet members. This time around, there is curiosity about who will be chosen to join the new administration.

What did Ramaphosa say in his speech?

In his speech, Ramaphosa affirmed South Africa’s unity and resilience. “We have gathered to reaffirm our firm belief that this country belongs to the people who live in it,” he said. He stressed the importance of addressing ongoing inequalities and building an equal nation.

He acknowledged the message of voters. “South Africans have voted to express their aspirations. They want us to work together.” He pledged to focus on transforming and improving the economy, providing shelter and supporting families.

What are people’s expectations?

Ramaphosa highlighted people’s desire for basic amenities and a better quality of life. “Through their vote they say they want clean water, decent homes, good roads and proper healthcare and education,” he said.

He pledged to work together with all political parties and sectors interested in the development of South Africa. He said, “I will be a president for all South Africans.” His aim is to collaborate with those in need to solve the country’s challenges.

What is the focus of the new government?

The new government aims to focus on unity and development. The coalition between the ANC, DA and other parties symbolises a commitment to partnership and development. Ramaphosa’s administration will prioritise economic transformation and social reforms.

Coalition government is a response to voters’ appeals for collaborative leadership. This new era in South African politics is expected to bring significant change and progress.

What impact will this have on South Africa?

The impact of Ramaphosa’s re-election and the new coalition government remains to be seen. However, the emphasis on unity and partnership points in a positive direction. The administration’s focus on addressing inequalities and improving quality of life is significant.

South Africans hope that this new government will bring the necessary changes. Ramaphosa’s leadership will be tested as he works to meet people’s expectations and fulfill his promises.

Finally, Cyril Ramaphosa’s second term as President of South Africa begins with a strong message of unity and development. The coalition government formed through a historic agreement aims to address the country’s challenges and build a better future for all South Africans.

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