Chất phản ứng là gì? Định nghĩa, vai trò và phân loại

Chất phản ứng là gì? Định nghĩa, vai trò và phân loại

Reaction agent is an important concept in chemistry, especially related to how substances interact and change in the process of creating new products. When it comes to reaction substance, we are referring to the ingredients needed to start a chemical reaction. From simple single substances to complex compounds, the reaction is not only the main component but also the decisive role in the final properties and results of that reaction. This article will help you better understand what the definition of reaction substance is, characteristics, roles and many other aspects related to chemical reactions.

What is the definition of the reaction substance?

The reaction substance is the initial substance involved in a chemical reaction. They are the “ingredients” that when combined under certain conditions will create new substances, called the product.

What is the definition of the reaction substance?

What is the definition of the reaction substance?

Imagine the reaction substance

You can imagine the reaction substance like the LEGO blocks. These Lego blocks (reaction agent) when combined in a certain way will create a completely new model (product).

Characteristics of the reaction substance

    Change: During the reaction process, the reaction substance will be changed in structure and composition to create new products.

    Decreasing: The amount of reaction substance will decrease over time when the reaction takes place.

    Directly participate: The reaction substance directly involved in the process of breaking and forming chemical bonds.

For example:

In the methane burning reaction:

CH₄ + 2o₂ → Co₂ + 2H₂o

The role of reaction substance in chemical reactions

The reaction substance is the “ingredients” initially involved in a chemical reaction. They are substances that are transformed into new substances, called products. The main role of reaction substance:

    Supplying raw materials: The reaction agent provides the atoms, molecules or ions needed to form new products.

    Participate in the transformation process: The reaction substance directly participates in the process of breaking and forming chemical bonds, resulting in a change in the structure and composition of the substance.

    Product decisions formed: The type of reactant and their molar ratio will determine the type of product and the amount of products formed.

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You can imagine the chemical reaction process as a recipe. The reaction substance is ingredients (flour, eggs, sugar …), and the product is the last dish (cakes, biscuits …). To create a delicious dish, we need enough ingredients and follow the cooking steps. Similarly, to create a chemical product, we need enough reaction substances and perform the reaction under appropriate conditions.

Reacting substance classification

The reaction substance is the initial substance involved in a chemical reaction. They can be classified based on many different criteria, including:

It is possible to divide the reaction into many different types

Can divide the reaction into many different types

1. Based on the role in the reaction:

    Oxidation: A substance that receives electrons, has a decrease in oxidation in the reaction.

    Reducing: is a giving up the electron, with an increased oxidation number in the reaction.

    Acid: is a substance for protons (H⁺).

    Bases: A substance that receives protons (H⁺).

    Salt: is an ionic compound made up of metal cation or ammonium and acid -based anion.

2. Based on properties:

    Organic matter: is a carbon compound (except for some carbon substances, carbon oxides, carbonate salts and Xianua salts).

    Inorganic substance: A compound not organic matter.

3. Based on the state:

    Gas: The substances in the gas are under normal conditions.

    Liquid: liquid substances under normal conditions.

    Solids: solid substances in normal conditions.

4. Based on solubility:

5. Based on toxicity:

Factors affecting the reaction in chemical reactions

When participating in a chemical reaction, the reaction will undergo changes to form a new product. However, the nature and speed of these changes not only depend on the nature of the reaction, but also influenced by many different factors.

Factors affecting the reaction in chemical reactions

Factors affecting the reaction in chemical reactions

1. The nature of the reaction substance:

    Chemical properties: Each substance has its own chemical properties, determining the ability to participate in different types of reactions and reaction speed. For example, alkali metal often reacts strongly to water, while precious metals like gold are very inert.

    Molecular structure: The molecular structure of the reaction substance affects the ability to contact and interact between molecules, thereby affecting the reaction speed.

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2. Reaction conditions:

    Concentration: The higher the concentration of the reaction substance, the greater the ability to collide between molecules, resulting in an increase in reaction speed.

    Temperature: Raising the temperature increases the dynamic energy of molecules, causing them to move faster and collide stronger, thereby increasing the reaction speed.

    Pressure: For reactions with gas participating, increasing pressure will increase the concentration of gas, leading to increased reaction speed.

    Solvent: Solvent can increase or decrease the reaction rate by dissolving the reaction substance, creating favorable conditions or hindering the contact process between molecules.

    The catalyst: The catalyst increases the reaction speed by providing a new reaction path with lower activating energy.

    Surface area: For solids, increasing the contact surface area will increase the reaction rate.

3. Other factors:

    Light: Some chemical reactions need light to start.

    Electric field: Electric field can affect the speed and direction of ions in the solution, thereby affecting the reaction speed.

    Sound: Some studies show that high frequency sounds can affect the speed of certain chemical reactions.

Illustrative example:

    The reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid: When an increase in acidity or increase the temperature, the reaction will occur faster.

    Burning reaction: When increasing the amount of oxygen provided, the fire rate will increase.

    Ammonia production: The production of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen uses iron catalysts to increase the reaction speed.

What is residual reaction?

The residual reaction is the substance involved in the chemical reaction that after the reaction ends, a part of it remains, not involved in the reaction.

Imagine the residual reaction

To better understand the residual reaction, we can compare the chemical reaction process as a party.

  • Reaction substance: are foods prepared for the party (for example, meat, vegetables, rice).
  • Products: A dish made from those ingredients (for example, rice, soup, stir -fried vegetables).
  • Residual reaction: Is the amount of leftovers after the party ended.

In chemical reactions, similar. If one of the reaction substances is more than the amount needed to react with the rest, the substance will remain after the reaction.

Why is there a residual reaction?

There are many reasons for the appearance of residual reactions:

  • The molar ratio of incorrect substances: If a substance has a greater number of moles than the molar ratio according to the chemical equation, the substance will be abundant.
  • One of the insoluble reaction substances: If a reaction does not soluble in the solution, only the solute will participate in the reaction, the rest will be in a solid and residual form.
  • There are catalysts: The catalyst increases the reaction speed but is not consumed during the reaction process, so it is still left after the reaction ends.

How to identify residual reaction substances

To determine the residual reaction, we often perform the following steps:

  1. Write a balanced chemical equation.
  2. Calculate the number of moles of the reaction substances.
  3. Compare the actual molar ratio with the molar ratio by chemical equation.
  4. Determine the reaction and residual reaction.

Application of residual reaction substance

There is a residual reaction that is sometimes applied in industry to:

  • Increasing reaction efficiency: By excess of a substance, we can accelerate the reaction process and increase the amount of product obtained.
  • Protection of equipment: In some cases, residues can help protect the reaction device from corrosion.

In short, residual reaction agent is an important concept in chemistry. Understanding the residual reaction helps us solve chemical problems more accurately and effectively.

The difference between reactant and product

In a chemical reaction, we often encounter two main concepts: reaction agent and product. Here are the basic differences between these two substances:

The difference between reactant and product

The difference between reactant and product


    Definition: are the initial substances involved in chemical reactions.

    Role: being transformed into new substances during the reaction process.

    Change: The amount of reaction decreases over time when the reaction takes place.

    For example: In the methane burn reaction: Ch₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O, METAN (CH₄) and Oxygen (O₂) are reactants.


    Definition: are new substances formed after chemical reactions occur.

    Role: is the result of the process of changes from the reaction substance.

    Change: The amount of product increases over time when the reaction takes place.

    For example: Continuing with the above reaction, carbon dioxide (CO₂) and steam (H₂O) are the product.

Detailed comparison table:




The time appears

Before reaction

After reaction








Participate in the reaction

The result of the reaction

Through the above article, it can be seen that the reaction plays an important role in chemistry, not only because they are essential materials to create new products but also because they strongly affect the speed, mechanism and The final result of the reaction. From understanding what the reaction substance is, characteristics, classification, roles to factors that affect them, we can see that the reaction substance is actually indispensable parts in everyday life. , from simple meals to complex production processes in the industry. hopes that grasping the knowledge of the reaction substance will help us have a deeper view of the surrounding chemical world.

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