Cân bằng hóa học – Khái niệm, Đặc điểm và Ứng dụng

Cân bằng hóa học – Khái niệm, Đặc điểm và Ứng dụng

Chemical balance is one of the core topics in chemistry, playing an important role in understanding how chemical reactions take place in nature as well as in industrial production. From simple reactions such as the dissolution of domestic sugar to complex processes such as ammonia synthesis, all follow the principles of chemical balance. This article will go into the aspects of chemical balance, helping you not only grasp the concept but also apply in practice.

What is the concept of chemical balance?

Chemical balance is the state of a reversible reaction when the reaction rate is equal to the reaction rate. In other words, in equilibrium, the amount of reaction and product does not change over time, although the reaction continues.

What is the concept of chemical balance?

What is the concept of chemical balance?

Characteristics of chemical balance

    Dynamic: The reversible reaction still happens continuously in both directions but at equal speed.

    Inverse: The reaction can occur in both directions: from the reaction to the product and vice versa.

    Balance: The amount of reaction and product does not change over time.

Why is chemical balance?

Chemical balance occurs due to a random collision between molecules. When molecules collide with adequate energy and appropriate orientation, they will react to each other to form a product. At the same time, product molecules can also collide and combine to form a reaction. When the speed of these two processes is equal, the system reaches equilibrium.

Factors affecting chemical balance

Factors affecting chemical balance

Factors affecting chemical balance

Some factors can change the equilibrium position of a chemical reaction:

    Concentration: Increasing the concentration of a substance will balance the shift in the direction that reduces the concentration of that substance.

    Pressure: For reactions with gases, increased pressure will balance the shift in the direction to reduce the number of moles of gas.


      Thermal radiating reaction: Reducing temperature to balance the shift in the direction of agreement (add more heat).

      Heat collection reaction: Increasing temperature to balance the shift in the direction of agreement (heat absorption).

    The catalyst: The catalyst increases the speed of both the reaction and inverse, so it does not change the equilibrium position but only makes the balance faster.

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The meaning of chemical balance

Chemical balance is very important in many fields, especially industrial chemistry. Understanding and controlling chemical balance helps:

    Optimize reaction performance: By adjusting the influencing factors, we can increase the desired product amount.

    Producing chemicals: Many processes of chemical production are based on chemical balance control.

    Researching natural processes: Chemical balance plays an important role in many natural processes such as photosynthesis and respiration.

Chemical balance types

Chemical balance is a dynamic state of a reversible reaction, when the reaction rate is equal to the inverse reaction speed. However, depending on the conditions and nature of the reaction, chemical balance can be classified into different types.

There are many different types of chemical balances

There are many different types of chemical balances

1. Balancing copper

    Definition: Copper balance is a balance in which all substances participating in the reaction exist in the same phase (gas, liquid or solid).

    For example, the reaction between hydrogen and iodine gas to form hydrogen iodine gas: h₂ (g) + ₂ (g) ⇌ 2hi (g)

    Characteristics: Easily change the equilibrium position by changing the concentration, pressure or temperature of the participants.

2. Heterity balance

    Definition: Heterosexual balance is a balance in which substances involved in the reaction exist in different phases.

    For example: The reaction between solid calcium carbonate and carbon dioxide to form solid calcium oxide: CaCO₃ (R) ⇌ CaO (R) + CO₂ (G)

    Characteristics: Only the concentration of substances in the gas phase will affect the equilibrium position.

3. Ion balance

    Definition: Ion balance is a balance that occurs in electrolyte solutions, related to the dissociation and combination of ions.

    For example: The dissociation of acetic acid in water: ch₃cooh (AQ) ⇌ Ch₃COO⁻ (AQ) + H⁺ (AQ)

    Characteristics: Often represented by ionization balance constant (KA, KB).

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4. Balance isomers

    Definition: Balancing isomers is the balance between the isomers of the same compound.

    For example:

    Characteristics: usually occurs in organic and biological compounds.

5. Balancing multi -phase system

    Definition: Balancing multi -phase system is a balance that occurs in systems with more than two phases.

    For example: Balance between steam, liquid water and ice.

    Characteristics: more complex than other types of balance and are often described by thermodynamic equations.

Application of chemical balance

Chemical balance is a basic concept in chemistry, playing an important role in many areas of life. Understanding and applying chemical balance helps us optimize production processes, solve environmental problems and discover natural phenomena.

Application of chemical balance

Application of chemical balance

1. Chemical industry:

    Ammonia production: Haber-bosch process produces ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen is a typical example of the application of chemical balance to optimize production performance. By adjusting the temperature, pressure and catalyst, one can increase the amount of ammonia obtained.

    Sulfuric acid production: The contact process is an important industrial process to produce sulfuric acid. Chemical balance is used to control different stages during this process.

    Producing organic compounds: Many organic reactions are reversible reactions. Understanding and controlling chemical balance helps increase the efficiency of organic compounds.

2. Metallurgical industry:

    Cast iron practice: The process of eliminating carbon iron oxide in the blast furnace is an example of chemical balance. By adjusting the temperature and composition of the furnace gas, one can control the reduction process and obtain the desired ingredient.

3. Environmental industry:

    Wastewater treatment: The process of wastewater treatment is often associated with chemical balance reactions to eliminate pollutants.

    Minimize emissions: Industrial processes often emit toxic gases. Understanding chemical balance helps the design of effective emissions treatment systems.

4. Biology:

    Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is a series of chemical balance reactions, in which light energy is converted into chemical energy in organic molecules.

    Respiratory: Cell respiration is also a process of chemical balance, providing energy for the life activities of the body.

5. Pharmaceutical industry:

6. Food:

    Fermentation: The process of fermenting wine, yogurt, soy sauce … are examples of chemical balance in food.

    Food preservation: Rancid processes, food fermentation are all related to chemical balance reactions.

Method of balancing chemical equation

Balancing chemical equations is an important skill in chemistry, helping us to perform an exact chemical reaction. There are many methods to balance the equation, each method has advantages and suitable for different types of reactions.

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Method of balancing chemical equation

Method of balancing chemical equation

1. Test and wrong methods

    Principle: By testing different coefficients before chemical formulas, we find the coefficient that makes the atomic number of each element at two equal sides.

    Advantages: Simple, easy to understand.

    Disadvantages: time consuming, especially with complex equations.

2. Algebra method

    Principle: Assigning the unknown coefficients, creating the system of equations based on the equal number of atoms of each element at two sides, then solving the system of equations to find the value of hidden.

    Advantages: Exactly, especially useful with complex equations.

    Disadvantages: Need knowledge of solving equations.

3. The method of selling reaction

    Principle: Divide the reaction into two half reactions: oxidation and reducing process. Balance each half of the reaction separately and then add to the equilibrium equation.

    Advantages: Easy to apply to redox reactions.

    Disadvantages: may be complicated with reactions with many redox processes.

4. Ion-Electron method

    Principle: Similar to the method of selling reaction, but using ions to represent redox processes in the solution.

    Advantages: Used to balance the ionic equations in the solution.

    Disadvantages: Need to master the rules of ion writing and charge the charge.

Common problems in chemical balance

Chemical balance is an important concept in chemistry, however, in the learning and application process, we often have some problems. Here are some common problems and how to solve them:

1. Difficulties in understanding the concept of dynamic balance:

2. Confusing the equilibrium constant KC and KP:

3. Difficulties in applying Le Chatelier Principle:

    Problem: It is difficult for students to apply the principle of Le Chatelier to predict the changing direction of equilibrium when changing factors such as concentration, pressure, temperature.


      Do many exercises: The more you do the exercises, the more familiar to the student with the application of this principle.

      Use the diagram: Draw the diagram to illustrate the shift of balance when changing the factors.

4. Difficulties in calculating equilibrium constant and concentration of substances in equilibrium:

5. Actual application of chemical balance:


    Learn by doing homework: The more you do the exercises, the more you master the knowledge and skills.

    Using support tools: Can use simulation and video software to visualize chemical processes.

    Join forums, learning groups: Talk to your friends to answer questions.

Through the above article of East Asia chemicals, it can be seen that chemical balance is a core concept in chemistry, helping to explain the interaction between reactants and products. Understanding the chemical balance not only helps improve the ability to predict and control chemical reactions, but also open up many practical application opportunities in industry, environment and medicine. The application of the principles of chemical balance in reality not only improves production efficiency but also ensures safety and sustainability in many different fields. Therefore, in -depth study of chemical balance not only helps scientists but also for the whole society in improving and sustainable development.


Nguyễn Lân Dũng

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